Increasing your Google Lighthouse score using WordPress

A lot of our websites are built on WordPress and we have recently been optimising a lot of our clients sites to help them attain better scores on google light house. Google light house gives you a look under the hood as to how google might score the experience of your website. From image sizes […]
Why choose to outsource your marketing department?

Outsourcing your marketing department is right during a specific period of your businesses growth, we have learnt through experience until a business grows to enable them to employ a dedicated marketing manager or department the responsibility lives as a “side line” of some ones primary role such as a the receptionist or sales director. We […]
Changing your business model to cope with Corona Virus

So the risk assessment never covered a global pandemic that closed everything and isolated your workforce did it.. We are now in very strange times indeed, a minimum outlook of at least 3 months but could last upto a year. What can businesses do to adapt and diversify to their new reality? Marketing With many […]
Installing Facebook Pixel for Woocommerce

WordPress, Woocommerce & Facebook Pixel are the perfect partners. Installing this product will not only synchronize your products in Woocommerce to your Facebook business page. But enhance the tracking of visitors introduced to your site from Facebook and improve the targeting of your ads. Installation takes less than 5 minutes, simply follow the steps below:
Want to stand out at the conference? Here are some ideas

When you take a stand at a Conference or Event, you want to stand out. Gone are the days when a pop up, pens and a bowl of sweets really cuts it. Today more and more creative ways to engage with your prospects are available for those with tight budgets and those which can afford […]
Connected approach to marketing

We have numerous clients approach us asking to “SEO” their websites, and make them first on Google. We equally have just as many informing us they “Do Social Media” however, when we look at clients website and social media channels we tend to find their approach is one of the following: Nice website, limited regular […]
5 Marketing ideas for Back to School Campaign

Children starting school or returning for a new school year occurs every year around September, many companies offer products or services which can be shoe horned into a back to school campaign and you and your business should be making the most of that time. Here are a few of our ideas. Back to School […]
Should I outsource my marketing?

In many small to medium sized businesses, updating their website or social media channels tends to be part of somebody’s role. The problem with this is their other duties tend to get into the way of delivering a well-considered campaign, resulting in disconnected and uncoordinated approach. Outsourcing your marketing provides a scalable resource, with a […]
Pick of the month branded products

So each month I’m going to spot light a few new products that are available for businesses to offer as branded promotional give aways. This month we have two great product: Firstly we have the Tile, functionality wise this little tile allows you to keep track of whatever it’s attached to keys, bag, pet or […]
Connecting the dots of a campaign
Engaging marketing is always more than an individual tweet or a post, developing an approach consisting of a series of touch points linked to the individual campaign is essential in engaging your client and prospects. As a rule, most clients and prospects will need to see your campaign in seven different locations to commit it […]